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Margaret CannellaAdjunct Professor, Heilbrunn Center for Graham and Dodd Investing, Columbia Business School
Administrative Director, Private Equity Program

Margaret Cannella is an Adjunct Professor at Columbia Business School, teaching seminars she developed entitled "From Feast to Famine and Back Again: Investing in the Credit Markets through Cycles" and "Credit Markets and Leveraged Buy-Outs: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly." She is a board member of Advance Pierre Foods, owned by Oaktree Capital, of Watford Reinsurance, an affiliate of Arch Reinsurance and a trustee of the Schroder Mutual Funds. She was a board member of Avalon Aircraft Leasing (NYSE:AVOL) until January, 2016 and an Independent Trustee of Wilshire Mutual Funds until December, 2014.


Disclaimer: The biography is as of the date the speaker presented.
Event Name Workshop on LBOs and LBO Modelling
Event Date 2016-06-02

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