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When the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was first passed the original definition of a financial expert was a CPA, later broadened to include other accountants. Our long time member, Leo McSherry, thought that not including CFAs was an oversight that should be corrected, so he took it upon himself and wrote the SEC. Mr. McSherry's letter to the Chairman of the SEC and his personal response are shown below:

1) pdf Letter to William H Donaldson, SEC Chairman from long standing FIASI Member Leo McSherry (pdf)
2) image Response from SEC personal letter from William H. Donaldson dated December 2003 (jpg)

Thank you for submitting your 2023 vote by proxy. Results of the vote will be announced at the 2023 Business Meeting and Board Election, to be held June 14, 2023. If you have any questions regarding the slate of officers and at-large board members, or the proxy vote process, please contact FIASI at .

In 1995, the Fixed Income Analysts Society established a Hall of Fame to recognize the lifetime achievements of outstanding practitioners in the advancement of the analysis of fixed-income securities and portfolios.


Inductees will have made major contributions to the advancement of fixed-income analysis and portfolio management. These contributions may be academic, business-related, or FIASI-related.


The Hall of Fame nominating committee, selected by the Board of Directors, will make annual recommendations to the Board of Directors. By majority vote, the Board will determine the annual inductees.


New Hall of Fame members will be inducted at an annual dinner held in November.


On November 30, 1995, during the Sixteenth Annual Bond Conference, Mark Girolamo, President of FIASI, inaugurated the Fixed Income Analysts Society Hall of Fame. On behalf of the Society and Board of Directors, Mark was pleased to present an engraved Tiffany's Crystal to the first member selected -- MARTIN L. LEIBOWITZ, PH.D. Professor Leibowitz was also granted Life Membership in the Society.

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Moody's Credit Outlook

Moody's Credit Outlook report is available here. Published Monday and Thursday mornings, Moody's Credit Outlook provides you with the credit implications of current events.